5 top tips for building a more robust body

I think it's worth reflecting on what motivates us to exercise...your 'why'. We all exercise and move for a multitude of personal reasons – to get strong, to feel healthy and fit, to lose weight, to fortify our mental strength. Even to gain a sense of peace and purpose!

One of my favourite reasons is to fight fragility. Whatever form of exercise we choose, it should make us more robust and more useful in our everyday lives. Although freak injuries do occur, ​being weak is the best way to become more fragile. And conversely, getting strong is the best way to stay injury free.

So here are my five top tips to build a more robust body!

1. Do your mobility work
It's the old cliche I'm afraid...move it or lose it! We are built to move ALL of our body parts and if we don't, then they get stiff and stuck and other parts start to compensate and do a job they're not meant to do.  So we need to find strength through a full range of motion of all the major joints. I follow and highly recommend Tom Merrick on YouTube as he has some great mobility routines and you can start with some of the beginner videos here and here.

2. Nourish your feet
Out of the 206 bones in the body, 26 are located in the foot! There are 33 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments supporting balance, mobility and your weight.​ One of the best ways to ensure your feet always get a good workout is to wear minimal footwear, my personal favourites are from the UK's Vivobarefoot. Check them out here. (And no, I'm not working on commission!)

3. Strengthen your weakest links
The phrase “you’re only as strong as your weakest link” couldn’t be more true when it comes to the human body. Modern life puts us in compromised positions e.g. sitting for long periods of times and hunching over screens. It's often the upper back muscles, glutes and hamstrings that let us down, so make sure you join my Monday 8am weights classes to target and strengthen the areas that require attention.

4. Balance, balance, balance
Nothing is more important as we inevitably age than maintaining our ability to balance. Read this article for a good reminder of why balance is the key to a stable future. Falls and fractures are often preventable, especially if you follow tips 1-3.

5. Have a plan...
And stick to it! Research has shown that you are 2-3 times more likely to stick with your healthy habits if you make a specific plan for when, where and how you will perform the behaviour. Getting results is all about doing the work consistently and having a plan is one of the easiest way to set your focus and make progress. Make sure you book and diarise your exercise classes in advance and schedule in small pockets of time (5-10 mins a day can make a huge difference) for steps 1-4.

Ready to write up your plan and stick to it? I’m here to help so just drop me an email or a WhatsApp if you need any help.

Happy moving :-)


Four pillars of health


Your breath is your superpower!